About the brand

Gehena is a fictional Indian heritage jewellery brand. They are well known for their high quality luxury jewellery as well as for offering a truly unique customer experience. With a growing retail presence and a large staff, they needed a new brand that would make it easy for their customers to relate to them and see them as a modern day heritage jewellery brand. The brand believes  that the beauty of a Gehna (Jewellery) lies in the uniqueness of its design and the efforts of the workmanship involved in creating the intricate designs.

Our Role

Brand strategy
Brand identity design
Packaging design
Social media design


We wanted to modernize Indian heritage jewellery wile still maintaining the traditional indian ritualistic elegance. Gehena's target market are women in high society households. We focused on classic fonts that give the brand a modern feel all the while attracting the right customers to sell to. We designed a luxury cult brand with simple yet beautiful details that are smart yet inviting. Modernized colors paired with rich fonts will keep the customers keep coming back for more and make the brand a part of their lives forever.

Brand identity design for a luxury jewelery brand

Branded social media templates


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Taking fashion brands from struggling to thriving with 
sold-out product launches and drool worthy Instagram feeds!