About the brand

Bare Skin is a fictional skincare brand that we created, they aim to give you a filter free skin which gives you the confidence to step out as your wildly worthy self without needing to cover up your imperfections. Bare Skin provides a nourishing and soothing experience for your skin from head to toe, providing delicately crafted products to heal and protect your skin

OUR Roles

Brand strategy
Brand identity design
Packaging design
Social media design


We wanted to see what a minimal and ethereal brand would look like in a crowded and broad industry such as skincare. We went with minimal tones and simple fonts to match the brand's motto of simple, effective and easy to use skincare products. Through the design we wanted to convey the message that skincare can be an act of self love and that it doesn't have to be an extreme and elaborative process. The brand stands by the approach of elevated affordable luxury in everyday routines which is reflected in the brand design. Overall, the brand is innocent, free, young and simple.

Logo design for an aesthetic packaging design

Social media template design for a minimal skincare brand


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Taking fashion brands from struggling to thriving with 
sold-out product launches and drool worthy Instagram feeds!